LCD NOKIA 5110 ( 7C7.1 )


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NOKIA 5110 84 * 48 dot matrix monochrome LCD , suitable products, welcome to wholesale

Four corners 3MM positioning holes , wiring port arrangement is as follows:

1. RST - Reset

 2. CE - Chip Select

 3. DC - data / instruction selection

 4. DIN - serial data line

 5. CLK - Serial Clock Line

 6. 3.3V - positive power supply

 7. LIGHT - backlight control

 8. GND - Negative Power Supply

The module has the following features :

 84x48 dot matrix LCD, can display four lines of Chinese characters ,

use a serial interface to communicate with the host processor interface significantly reduce the number of signal lines , including power and ground lines , including the signal is only 8 . Support for multiple serial communication protocols ( such as AVR MCU SPI, MCS51 serial mode 0 , etc. ) , transfer rate up to 4Mbps, can be written to display data at full speed with no waiting time.

 can be connected by a conductive adhesive to the printed version of the module , rather than connecting cables with a metal hook on the module the module to the PCB , which makes it very easy to install and replace .

LCD controller / driver chip on the wafer has been bound to the LCD module's small size .

the use of low-voltage power supply , the normal operating current when displayed in 200μA or less, and has a power-down mode.

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